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About Us

Located on a quiet cul-de-sac road, our farm is a perpetual work in progress, expanding piece by piece each year, as we work to achieve our self-sufficiency goals. We grow a variety of vegetables, fruiting shrubs and trees, medicinal and culinary herbs, cut flowers, and even willows for landscaping and basket weaving. Our passion has always been in creative aesthetics and culinary decadence, rooted in traditional homestead comfort, but elevated by the gourmet infusion of multicultural delicacy and technique.

Canterbury Quail Farm is the latest addition to our Raebryn Farms homestead. 

While we have spent the last decade building up our land and crop selection, it was clear that our sustainable goals would require the addition of a poultry protein source. And while we considered a variety of options, we knew from the start that raising Coturnix would be our specialty.

These birds have so much to offer, without the need to sacrifice significant amounts of space. Nutritionally, quail are hard to compete with, and when it comes to flavor, little compares. Therefore, we started our covey with simple intentions, but very quickly realized how significant this addition to our farm was. Our birds increased our sustainability value exponentially and quickly.

We were producing high quality proteins for our table in just a few weeks, and recycling the wastes into the most amazingly nutritious compost. Our bellies were happy, our crops were happy, and our homestead vision was really coming into focus. Thus, we decided that this wonderful little addition needed to be expanded so that we could share the benefits with all our customers and all of those interested in suburban homesteading themselves.  



To provide premium quality coturnix bloodlines, in an effort to produce superior meat, eggs, and show birds. We strive to providing a one-stop shop for homesteaders, with an emphasis on Coturnix specific products. 


Through impeccable record keeping, we track all of our birds to ensure that only the best genes are passed on. 


To provide excellence through expertise, as we strive to educate, encourage, and support our customers in the benefits of quail products and homesteading.

Learn More Our Birds

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Quail of the Month


The  Prince


Rum Chata

The Maven



The Cuddler


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